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 Open Video Conference & Bitcoin This Weekend in NYC- Mozilla Foundation

Hey All, 
I wanted everyone to be aware that Bitcoin IS being discussed as a viable option for business's all over the world. 

Specifically, this weekend is OVC11 in New York City which is run by the Mozilla Foundation (yeh, the guys behind Firefox )and the New York Law School
Open Video Conference is a two-day confab of people working on technology, policy, and creative dimensions of open video. This year's event takes place this weekend, September 10-12 in New York City.

They running a working group on alternative currencies (e.g. Bitcoin) and invited myself and BitInstant (
www.BitInstant.com) to attend the conference working group and many others as well! 
The goal of this working group is to prototype web-layer technologies to facilitate micropayments for creatives. We have an interesting group forming, including reps from outside the BitCoin/crypto community.

From their website: 

Quote In recent months, there has been huge progress in infrastructure for micropayments. With Bitcoin bursting in on the scene, and Flattr gaining momentum in micro-donations, it is easier than ever before to imagine a button in your browser that donates $1 to a YouTube video, attaches money to an e-mail, or gives $0.01 to every piece of journalism you read. The goal for this session is to survey new opportunities like these, decide on the best first steps and (coming out of the session) take them.

If anyone would like to attend, let me know personally so I can bring you in as a Bitcoin aficionado. 
Day: Saturday 9/10/11
Room: W320
Time: 2:30pm – 5:30pm

网友评价:这是一个好消息对Bitcoin!  我希望你们有一个美好的的讨论,并拿出了一些惊人的想法。太棒了!这是“真正的”Bitcoin;未来。


在最近几个月里,已在基础设施方面取得了巨大进展,用于小额支付。Bitcoin爆破在现场,和Flattr获得微捐赠的势头,这是比以往任何时候都更容易想象一个在您的浏览器按钮,捐赠$ 1到YouTube视频,重视金钱的电子邮件,或给出了0.01美元你读到的每一件新闻。






