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作为一个网上货币,维护同行等免费开放源码的网络 Bitcoin,不仅是从硬通货的地域限制,但也从供给操纵措施,从而降低通胀的易感性。其反通胀的素质是加强流通 Bitcoins  BTC),自己决不会超过21万的事实,他们被称为虚拟采矿复杂和密集计算产生。BTCs可以被加密存储在虚拟的计算机上或钱包智能手机,使他们的使用几乎是匿名真金白银 。



,全球这些汇款支付超过人道主义aidthree倍以上。这是真实的,即使  anoverall DROPIN交易,由于金融危机的背景下。移民仍然发送大笔回家,例如,尼日利亚在2009年收到10亿美元,汇款支付给一些国家的国内生产总值的百分比的贡献是相当大的,在莱索托的近 25%。

Bitcoin帮助解决许多目前寄钱回家的方法中存在的问题 。汇款服务是有效的,但价格昂贵。银行转帐也可以是昂贵而遭受的直接的普遍缺乏,在同一时间,没有银行帐户的数百万非洲人没用。而且,通过定期的邮政服务发送现金几乎是不可想象的的。



虽然这是不太可能将在建立货币国家的货币本身巨大的主流,非洲 Bitcoin的吸引力,可以清楚地看到。当然,基建问题的一个主要障碍,目前没有非洲货币与交流BTC但是,随着智能手机销量上升和Internet连接设置在未来几年成倍增加,Bitcoin看起来更可行的。这些结构性因素再加上大获成功,先锋手机汇款系统,M - PESA表明,采用这种技术或今后再发生类似的东西并非不可想象.



A global currency free from government control that can be used almost untraceably sounds too good to be true. But, the currency Bitcoin is a reality, and it has the potential to transform African finance.

As an online currency, maintained by a peer-to-peer open source network Bitcoin is free not only from the geographic constraints of hard currency, but also from supply manipulation measures, thereby reducing its susceptibility to inflation. Its anti-inflationary quality is strengthened by the fact that circulation of the Bitcoins (BTC) themselves will never exceed 21 million; they are generated by complicated and intensive computing called virtual mining. The BTCs can then be stored cryptographically in virtual wallets on computers or smartphones, rendering their use almost as anonymous as hard cash.

So how could this little known electronic currency take off and transform African finance?

Well, the significance of the money sent home from diasporas on African economies is considerable. These private capital inflows directly impact the household level and have been proven to fuelgrowth, as they ensure tangible local improvements by providing immediate funding for education and health or investments in businesses and start-ups.

And, globally these remittance payments outweigh humanitarian aidthree times over. This is true even in the context of anoverall dropin transactions due to the financial crisis. Migrants are still sending large sums home, Nigeria for example received $10 billion in 2009, and the percentage contribution of remittance payments to some countries’ GDP is considerable, in Lesotho it’s almost 25 percent.

Bitcoin helps solve many of the existing problems with current methods of sending money home. Money transfer services are efficient, but expensive. Bank transfers can also be expensive whilst suffering a general lack of immediacy and at the same time useless to the millions of Africans without bank accounts. And, sending cash through regular postal services is almost unthinkable.

Bitcoin enables its users to bypass the exorbitant fees charged by banks and wiring services whilst providing a secure, anonymous and most importantly instantaneous service. These factors are clearly positive for the economic and developmental impact of remittance payments as senders freed from the shackles of high administration fees can deliver more money to their loved ones.

Also, the currency could bring heightened security for citizens of countries where poor economic and financial practices have rendered their currencies overly volatile or worse still worthless, such as Zimbabwe.

While it is unlikely that the currency itself will hold great mainstream appeal in countries with well-established currencies, Bitcoin’s African appeal is clear to see. Of course, infrastructural problems are a major hindrance, and no African currencies currently have exchanges with BTC. But, with smartphone sales rising and internet connectivity set to increase exponentially in the next few years, Bitcoin looks more feasible. These structural factors coupled with the widespread success of M-Pesa, a vanguard mobile phone money transfer system, shows that the adoption of this technology or something similar in the future is not inconceivable.