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在一个月的交易量是相当沉重,甚至考虑,第二个最大的bitcoin交流,TradeHill,关闭本月中旬。一些交易可以归因于资金流向TradeHill取款后抵达其他交流。月抛售压力最大的可能是结合的新闻Paxum将不再担任Bitcoin交流  之后不久由TradeHill消息。这些买盘将导致抛售得到了回报,当汇率恢复和备份斜坡-可能是增长最快的的的Bitcoin业务,Bitcoinica发展的结果。他们非常忙碌的二月涉及  未来计划的预公告,推出的计息存款账户,除支付宝作为付款方式和来自中国的客户支持网站的翻译。
一个值得注意的一个里程碑时一个月期间发生块168000,达到和超过40%的21万不断发出bitcoins现在已经发行。今年晚些时候达到50%的门槛时块奖励将下降50 BTC只有25。
一个基本的度量,用来衡量Bitcoin作为支付网络的牵引,每天处理的交易  数量。这些数字确实穗水平,表明在吸收了巨大的收益,但是时机恰逢与TradeHill封闭的,所以在交易的突然增加可能与该事件后的资金转移。作为一个提醒,这个度量内bitcoin的他人很容易被操纵,所以谨慎是必要的,然后才考虑作出投资决策时,使用这些指标。
多一点217750 bitcoins发行(或“生成”,或“雷区”)在使用一个月,价值近1.1亿美元的$ 5.12的平均每日估值。目前开采盈利为矿工支付典型的电动率   涵盖了发电成本,但否则没有别的,尤其是如果考虑到成本摊销典型的挖掘硬件以及。难度没有增加,但只有约5%的月份。随着FPGA设计的商业可用性,矿工将可能会看到另一个息差收窄,除非汇率跳起来。

The Bitcoin exchange rate is no stranger to volatility and saw its share of it in February, 2012.  The closing price of $4.86 is down more than 11% for the month but the currency still has a gain, just about 3%, for 2012 YTD.
The volume of trading during the month was fairly heavy even considering that the second largest bitcoin exchange, TradeHill, shut down mid-month.   Some of the trading can be attributed to fund flows arriving at other exchanges following withdrawals from TradeHill.  The biggest selling pressure for the month was likely a combination of the news that Paxum would no longer serve Bitcoin exchanges followed shortly by the TradeHill news.  Those buying into the resulting selloff were rewarded when the exchange rate recovered and ramped back up — possibly as the result of developments at the fastest-growing Bitcoin business, Bitcoinica.  Their very busy February involved a pre-announcement of future plans, the introduction of interest-bearing deposit accounts, the addition of AliPay as a payment method and a translation of the site to support customers from China.
A milestone of note occurred during the month when block 168,000 was reached and thus more than 40% of the 21 million bitcoins to ever be issued have now been issued.  Later this year when the 50% threshold is reached the block reward will drop from 50 BTC to just 25.
A fundamental metric used to gauge Bitcoin’s traction as a payment network is the transactions processed daily numbers.  The numbers did spike to levels that would indicate a tremendous gain in uptake, however the timing coincided with the TradeHill closure so the sudden increase in transactions is likely related to the transfer of funds following that event.  As a reminder, this metric and others within bitcoin are easily manipulated so caution is warranted before considering using these metrics when making investment decisions.
Though there were no general availability releases this month of the “Satoshi” Bitcoin.org client, other clients such as Electrum, Armory and MultiBit advanced with new features and other improvements.  Hosted services in the Bitcoin ecosystem struggled to provide consistent, reliable availability.  Services dependent upon Block Explorer and BlockChain.info for transaction information were suffering during the month when those underlying service providers themselves underwent extended maintenance and experienced unplanned outages.
A little over 217,750 bitcoins were issued (or “generated”, or “mined”) during the month worth nearly $1.1 million using the average daily valuation of $5.12.  For the miners paying typical electric rates the current mining profitability is covering the cost of electricity but otherwise little else, especially if considering the cost to amortize typical mining hardware as well.  The difficulty did increase but only around 5% for the month.  With commercial availability of FPGA designs, miners will be likely see another squeeze on margins unless the exchange rate jumps up.
With continued attention being given Bitcoin — the latest rush coming as the result of comments from Google’s Executive Chairman, the currency continues to gain mindshare.
Though speculative investment remains the primary attraction for many, the currency continues to be poked and prodded, measured and weighed.  Yet more so than ever before, Bitcoin is not being found wanting.