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哪个更值得担忧 参议院还是基金会

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2013年的11月18日,美国参议院将会进行一场关于比特币听证会,比特币基金会的法律顾问Patrick Murck届时会向参议院国土安全及政府事物(HSGAC)委员会和参议员银行委员会介绍比特币的有关情况。此事件在比特币社区中引起了热议,很多人表达了对比特币基金会权利过大的担忧Bitcoin Foundation



我们从比特币基金会的官方网站可以查询到,比特币基金会现有成员由8个。首席科学家是Gavin Andresen,董事局主席是Peter Vessenes。



1比特币代码的标准化。确切的说,比特币基金会下面的团队负责着比特币代码的维护和开发工作,有用Github的小伙伴可以关注一下比特币项目的Master Branch,看看是谁天天在对代码进行维护。

2保护比特币,确切的说是保护比特币协议的完整性和正确性。比特币作为一种数字货币是由一套完整的加密算法模型所支持的,这套模型可以防止Double Spend等问题。


基金会代表谁在比特币基金会的官方网站上我们可以找到一个Why We Need a Foundation的栏目,上面大概的解释了我们为什么需要一个像比特币基金会这样的组织。










Come-from-Beyond Hero Member Waste of time. A decentralized currency doesn’t need that. Gabi Hero Member

Bitcoin exists exactly to solve the problem they created. Going to speak with them is useless, if it would be useful then we would not need bitcoin, we would just go there and tell them “ehi what about stop printing money like there is no tomorrow, what about the current financial system being totally fucked, what about frozen money, what about trillions and trillions of debts, what about bailing out banks with people money etcetc”

stan.distortionHero Member Take no shit. Bitware Hero Member TBF reps… please keep in your minds the following.We need a world currency where no one nation, nor group of nations are at an advantage over any others.

That said, those quotes were posted to remind TBF representatives of the core of who and what they are going up against…

People who lie, cheat, steal and kill to get their way.

Rassah Hero Member I would like to attend this meeting, even if I have to sit quietly in the back. Is there information on how I might be able to do that? I,d also like to help any way I can (I’m near DC) deepceleronHero Member Bankers funnel millions into the coffers of lawmakers and lobbyists to do their bidding and get laws written that are favorable to them. There are many companies that use Bitcoin as a foundation of their business, and consumers that do not want to have banking extract wealth from them by inserting itself into their money storage and payments, and it is reasonable for a lobbying group to exist that can collectively represent their interests too. TheButterZoneHero Member Every time an inch of liberty is ceded, the totalitarians take googolplex light years. It will take illegal acts such as perjury and bribery to determine whether the exercises of economic liberty using bitcoin are eventually made multiple felonies (despite having no victims but we the future defendants), or not.

The Foundation vs The Establishment (which could very easily turn bitcoin against itself by paying untraceable BTC bribes and kickbacks to lawmakers to make BTC entirely “black market” i.e. eliminate their legal competition): which do you think has deeper pockets?

Augusto Croppo Hero Member They are not speaking for the rest of us, they are speaking for themselves, which includes the main developer of the Bitcoin software. They are, however, offering the opportunity to anyone provide suggestions to improve the debate they will have with USA federal government. By the way, they can and they will represent the Bitcoin software, whatever you like or not.


就算基金会完全代表比特币社区的利益,他的权利都应该被整个比特币社区所监督,比特币基金会不能作为一种凌驾于社区而存在的组织,因为谁也不能保证他们:Don’t be evil
